If you’re like anything like me, your conversations revolve around “Nothing works!”, “I need to lose weight.”, or “I want to lose weight – badly!” I have tried myriad forms of diets, traipsed through bountiful videos, and buried my head under never-ending listicles. Guess what? None of them worked, and I am glad that they didn’t, for I wouldn’t have turned to yoga. And, in the process, wouldn’t have made it a way of living. And, yes, I lost weight – tons of it.
Like they rightly say about yoga,
Let’s now talk about a few yoga asanas that help build your muscle strength, tone your body, and help you lose weight.
Yoga For Weight Loss
Given here are the effective yoga asanas for each body part:
A. For Facial Fat (Approx. 2 minutes)
1. Simhasana
Also Known As – Lion Pose
How It Works
This asana is known to tone the facial muscles and is a good stress buster too. It is a basic pose, and anyone can do it, irrespective of their age. When you sit in the Lion Pose and stick your tongue out, your facial muscles, along with the thorax and spine, are stretched. If you do this regularly, you will see your double chin vanish within no time.
There are absolutely no potentials risks. If you have trouble sitting in this pose, sit on a chair and do the asana.
To know more about the asana, click here: Simhasana
2. Jalandhara Bandha
How It Works
It is one of the most sought-after asanas for thyroid patients. You need to lock your chin on the chest, between your collarbones, while holding your breath. This will make your jawline defined.
If you have any breathing issues, do this asana under the supervision of a certified yoga teacher. Do not attempt this if you suffer from high blood pressureor heart disease.
B. For The Arms (Approx. 5-6 minutes)
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Also Known As – Downward Dog Pose
How It Works
The Adho Mukha Svanasana is a weight-bearing pose. You need to position the upper body on your hands. It is an excellent way to tone your arms and biceps.
Do not do this asana if you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.
4. Chaturanga Dandasana
Also Known As – Four-Limbed Staff Pose, Low Plank Pose
How It Works
This pose requires you to stay off the ground by supporting the body on your hands and keeping the core intact. It not only tones your arms but also strengthens and tones your biceps and triceps.
Do not attempt this if you have a shoulder or hip injury. Work with a certified yoga instructor who can help you with variations.
5. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
Also Known As – Dolphin Pose
How It Works
Your arms become the base for balancing the entire upper body while you try to stay afloat. This asana helps strengthen and tone the biceps, triceps, and arms.
It is a simple asana that can be done by everyone. However, you need to be careful if you have neck or shoulder injuries.
6. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Also Known As – Upward Facing Dog Pose
How It Works
This asana involves stretching the arm muscles and balancing the body weight. It is one of the most powerful and efficient ways of toning your arms, biceps, and triceps.
It is best to avoid this asana if you have a stiff neck or shoulder injuries.
C. For The Shoulders And Upper Back (Approx. 4-6 minutes)
7. Bharadvajasana
Also Known As – Seated Twist Pose
How It Works
The asana involves a deep twist and is an intermediary level pose that anyone can easily master with practice. It improves the natural flexibility of your upper body and also helps tone your shoulder blades.
Do not attempt if you have a headache or insomnia or if you are menstruating.
8. Ardha Matsyendrasana
How It Works
This pose requires you to move your shoulder, neck, and spine in unison. The intense twist (one side at a time) helps in toning the sides, the upper body, as well as the abdominal muscles.
Do not attempt if you are menstruating or have headache or insomnia.
9. Naukasana
How It Works
Think of a see-saw or a boat when you think of this asana. It works in the same way, and the midriff becomes the base for balancing the body. If you have trouble losing that stubborn belly fat, here is something that will give you visible results. With a little practice, you are well on your way to achieve toned abs.
Do not do this asana if you are suffering from insomnia, hernia or spinal injuries.
10. Matsyasana
How It Works
It is all about stretching your lower body (and organs) like the thighs, intestines, hips, and abdominal muscles. All asanas that involve twisting and pulling help in burning the extra fat that gets deposited in the most prominent places like the tummy and thighs.
It is best to avoid this asana if you suffer from blood pressure, hernia or migraine, or if you are menstruating.
24 Best Yoga Poses To Lose Weight Quickly And Easily
May 29, 2019 by Pratima Ati

If you’re like anything like me, your conversations revolve around “Nothing works!”, “I need to lose weight.”, or “I want to lose weight – badly!” I have tried myriad forms of diets, traipsed through bountiful videos, and buried my head under never-ending listicles. Guess what? None of them worked, and I am glad that they didn’t, for I wouldn’t have turned to yoga. And, in the process, wouldn’t have made it a way of living. And, yes, I lost weight – tons of it.
Like they rightly say about yoga,
Let’s now talk about a few yoga asanas that help build your muscle strength, tone your body, and help you lose weight.
Yoga For Weight Loss
Given here are the effective yoga asanas for each body part:
A. For Facial Fat
B. For The Arms
C. For The Shoulders And Upper Back
D. For The Midriff
E. For The Thighs
F. For Calf Muscles/ Hamstrings
G. For The Hip
A. For Facial Fat (Approx. 2 minutes)
1. Simhasana
Image: Shutterstock
Also Known As – Lion Pose
How It Works
This asana is known to tone the facial muscles and is a good stress buster too. It is a basic pose, and anyone can do it, irrespective of their age. When you sit in the Lion Pose and stick your tongue out, your facial muscles, along with the thorax and spine, are stretched. If you do this regularly, you will see your double chin vanish within no time.
There are absolutely no potentials risks. If you have trouble sitting in this pose, sit on a chair and do the asana.
Video Link
To know more about the asana, click here: Simhasana
2. Jalandhara Bandha
Image: Shutterstock
How It Works
It is one of the most sought-after asanas for thyroid patients. You need to lock your chin on the chest, between your collarbones, while holding your breath. This will make your jawline defined.
If you have any breathing issues, do this asana under the supervision of a certified yoga teacher. Do not attempt this if you suffer from high blood pressureor heart disease.
Video Link
To know more about the asana, click here: Jalandhara Bandha
Back To TOC
B. For The Arms (Approx. 5-6 minutes)
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Image: Shutterstock
Also Known As – Downward Dog Pose
How It Works
The Adho Mukha Svanasana is a weight-bearing pose. You need to position the upper body on your hands. It is an excellent way to tone your arms and biceps.
Do not do this asana if you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.
Video Link
To know more about the asana, click here: Adho Mukha Svanasana
4. Chaturanga Dandasana

Image: Shutterstock
Also Known As – Four-Limbed Staff Pose, Low Plank Pose
How It Works
This pose requires you to stay off the ground by supporting the body on your hands and keeping the core intact. It not only tones your arms but also strengthens and tones your biceps and triceps.
Do not attempt this if you have a shoulder or hip injury. Work with a certified yoga instructor who can help you with variations.
Video Link
To know more about the asana, click here: Chaturanga Dandasana
5. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
Image: Shutterstock
Also Known As – Dolphin Pose
How It Works
Your arms become the base for balancing the entire upper body while you try to stay afloat. This asana helps strengthen and tone the biceps, triceps, and arms.
It is a simple asana that can be done by everyone. However, you need to be careful if you have neck or shoulder injuries.
Video Link
To know more about the asana, click here – Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
6. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Image: Shutterstock
Also Known As – Upward Facing Dog Pose
How It Works
This asana involves stretching the arm muscles and balancing the body weight. It is one of the most powerful and efficient ways of toning your arms, biceps, and triceps.
It is best to avoid this asana if you have a stiff neck or shoulder injuries.
Video Ling
To know more about the asana, click here: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Back To TOC
C. For The Shoulders And Upper Back (Approx. 4-6 minutes)
7. Bharadvajasana
Image: Shutterstock
Also Known As – Seated Twist Pose
How It Works
The asana involves a deep twist and is an intermediary level pose that anyone can easily master with practice. It improves the natural flexibility of your upper body and also helps tone your shoulder blades.
Do not attempt if you have a headache or insomnia or if you are menstruating.
Video Link
To know more about the asana, click here: Bharadvajasana
8. Ardha Matsyendrasana
Image: Shutterstock
How It Works
This pose requires you to move your shoulder, neck, and spine in unison. The intense twist (one side at a time) helps in toning the sides, the upper body, as well as the abdominal muscles.
Do not attempt if you are menstruating or have headache or insomnia.
Video Link
To know more about the asana, click here: Ardha Matsyendrasana
Back To TOC
D. For The Midriff (Approx. 5-7 minutes)
9. Naukasana
Image: Shutterstock
Also Known As – Boat Pose
How It Works
Think of a see-saw or a boat when you think of this asana. It works in the same way, and the midriff becomes the base for balancing the body. If you have trouble losing that stubborn belly fat, here is something that will give you visible results. With a little practice, you are well on your way to achieve toned abs.
Do not do this asana if you are suffering from insomnia, hernia or spinal injuries.
Video Ling
To know more about the asana, click here: Naukasana
10. Matsyasana
Image: Shutterstock
Also Known As – Fish Pose
How It Works
It is all about stretching your lower body (and organs) like the thighs, intestines, hips, and abdominal muscles. All asanas that involve twisting and pulling help in burning the extra fat that gets deposited in the most prominent places like the tummy and thighs.
It is best to avoid this asana if you suffer from blood pressure, hernia or migraine, or if you are menstruating.
Video Link
To know more about the asana, click here: Matsyasana
11. Anantasana
How It Works
This pose tones and firms the abdominal muscles. The focus shifts to both the sides of the body while you stretch. This asana works on melting your love handles and improves blood circulation and digestion.
If you experience a discomfort or stiffness in the neck or hips, consult your doctor before doing this asana.
source:24 Best Yoga Poses To Lose Weight Quickly And Easily
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