These days I try not to run out of liquid soap or dish soap. But it is always good to have a back up plan. Just in case…
So here is a little trick you can use if the need arrives.
If you are out of dish soap or liquid soap, here is how you can get the job done without having to make a run to the store, or put off those chores for another day.
Pull out a bar of soap and cut a slice off. Insert the slice of soap inside the sponge. You will need to cut the sponge in order for the slice of soap to be inserted. A regular scissors may be used to cut the sponge.
After inserting the slice of soap in the sponge, simply wet with water and get cleaning.
If you are washing dishes, just hold it under the pipe and wash the dishes. It will get soapy and is very effective as using liquid soap. Hope you like this trick if you try it!
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