Razor bumps are the bane of many men’s workdays. To avoid razor bumps when shaving, you need to use the proper razor. Amazingly, more blades does not always mean a better shave; the recent introduction of 4 and 5 blade razors have actually caused more razor bumps than those that are only double or triple-bladed. Try a high-quality double-bladed razor, preferably one with a disposable head, and you will see that you will wind up with a smoother face.
Eat kiwis to slow down the aging process and improve the look of your skin. Kiwis have an ample amount of vitamin C which stimulates collagen production. Collagen keeps your skin firm and elastic which helps people’s skin to gracefully age. Adding kiwis as a daily snack is an easy diet change that will pay dividends for your skin.
If one lives in a dry area or has skin that dries out during the drier times of the year such as winter in can be crucial for them to use a lotion. Using a lotion or moisturizer will keep ones skin from painful cracking as a result of being too dry.
Don’t make your skin care purchase decisions based on status. The beauty industry goes out of its way to confer status on expensive creams, lotions, and the like. But you need to find products that work for YOUR skin and don’t break the bank. If that $25.00 bar of soap works as well for you as your $1.50 bar of soap, and no one knows what’s in your bathroom vanity at home, why spend the money?
When people touch their face a lot, they are putting a lot of oil, grease and dirt directly onto their skin. It is important if you want good skin that you don’t do this. Try to keep your hands away from your face as much as possible, and if you do need to touch it, use a tissue or towel.
To have glowing skin, it is imperative that you get your full six to eight hours of sleep every single night. While you are asleep, that’s when your skin cells work to repair your skin. Not getting enough rest will interrupt your re-growth and it will show up on your face the next day.
Staying out of the sun is a good way to preserve your skin. Too much exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer, and also lead to rapid aging of your skin causing things like wrinkles, and age spots. If you must be in the sunlight, wear clothing or lotion to block UV rays.
Around the age of 30, people generally will develop lines around their eyes. The delicate skin around the eyes needs moisture and volume and you can get this from an eye cream. When you are looking for an eye cream, get one with one of the following ingredients: retinoids, peptides or antioxidants.
Would you like to receive a facial but cannot afford to go to a spa? You have nothing to worry about because you can give yourself a facial in the comfort of your home, with ingredients found in the kitchen pantry. You simply combine egg yolk, honey and olive oil and beat until blended, then apply to your face. Relax for approximately 15 minutes with the mask on your face, then rinse with warm water. Immediately, you will see the benefits of this do-it-yourself facial with a more softer, smoother appearance of your skin.
Stress actually takes a toll on the whole body, make sure you manage your stress levels. Your skin can suffer if you are constantly under heavy amounts of stress, so try and have a clear head. Exercise and warm baths can help you in reducing the amount of stress you have, just try your best to keep your stress levels low.
Make sure you don’t get yourself into any reckless behavior. A part of keeping your skin healthy is making sure you don’t bruise or scrape your skin. Some scars take awhile to heal, you don’t want to be stuck with a scar that is going to take months to heal, just be respectful towards your body.
As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, many people feel like they have tried everything they can to improve and take care of their skin. The purpose of the above article is to help people in this exact situation. Take this advice, and you will be on the road to perfect skin in no time.
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