Nowadays, we have access to numerous studies, research, etc. But, regardless of the advancements in both medicine and science, cancer hasn’t been cured yet. The conventional treatments, i.e. chemo and drugs, can have serious side effects.
However, it appears that the cure for this detrimental illness may be hidden in nature, that is, in apricot kernels. They contain laetrile or vitamin B17. It’s consisted of 2 main components-glucose and hydrogen cyanide. The cyanide should not worry you because it’s present in traces and scientists explain that eating a few seeds daily cannot be harmful. In fact, one would need to eat 65 seeds in one day to experience its negative effect.
Otherwise, it’s believed that these seeds have the power to destroy the harmful cancer cells only, leaving the healthy ones undamaged. When used in adequate amounts, cyanide destroys the tumor without affecting the body in any other negative way.
Believe it or not, although there was a research regarding the effect of vitamin B17 on cancer, aren’t publically available since the FDA has banned any kind of laetrile treatment of cancer patients. According to some alternative physicians, this is done in order to prevent a reduction in the profit of the pharmaceutical industry.
John A. Richardson, M.D. has treated patients with laetrile and the results were published in the bookLaetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience. Although it’s not a part of the official treatment of cancer, a lot of people opt for it as a way to treat this dangerous disease.

Apricot kernels can be found on amazon.com as supplements and there are a lot of people who’ve benefitted from them in this or that way. For example, some managed to treat indigestion, toenail inflammation, prostate problems, obesity, etc.
If you decide to include them to your diet, you need to reduce the intake of sugar as well if you want the treatment to bring positive results.
source: The Biggest Cover Up in the History of Cancer: Vitamin B17
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