Vitamin B12 is the most complex of all vitamins and is involved in many vital processes in your body.Insufficient amounts of it can lead to many health disorders and illnesses.
Health Benefits of Vitamin B12:
1. Prevents Nerve Damage
-helps your body replenish myelin sheath – a protective covering that keeps your nerves safe from free radicals and toxin
if your nerves don’t have this covering, they can easily be damaged and even die
-dead nerves can lead to nerve-related disorders as they interrupt the signals to and from the brain.
2. Protects The Heart
– heart disease is the leading cause of death throughout the world
-B12 vitamin can help your heart health and reduce the major risk for heart disease – raised levels of the amino acid homocysteine
-levels of homocysteine in the blood are affected by the levels of vitamin B12 and other B-complex vitamins in the blood
-by reducing the blood levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 reduces the chances of stroke and heart attack.
3. Important for your bones
– people suffering from osteoporosis have been found to have low levels of vitamin B12 and high levels of homocysteine in their blood
-osteoporosis manifests with brittle and weak bones as well as loss of bone tissue
-if you’re suffering from this condition check your vitamin B12 levels at a doctor.
4. Keeps your body supplied with energy
-this vitamin stimulates the production of energy in your cells
-tired people are often affected by vitamin B12 deficiency
-B12 is crucial for your metabolism and can convert carbs into usable energy
-body requires vitamin B12 as it’s crucial for neurotransmitter signaling which plays a role in muscle contraction and provides energy to the cells which will help you last through the day without feeling weak.
Here are the main symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency:
-our erythrocytes are the oxygen-carrying cells and we need vitamin B12 to help us form them
-if we lack this vitamin, we could become anemic a condition when our heart and muscles don’t get the necessary amount of oxygen, so they can’t work properly and we are tired all the time.
Strange Sensations, Numbness
– low oxygen levels in cells cause nerve damage which can lead to “pins and needles” sensation or numbness running from your head to your feet.
A Swollen, Inflamed Tongue
– a severe deficiency of B12 lose papillae, the little bumps on the tongues
-they lose papillae around the edges of the tongue and taste buds located on these bumps
-it means loss of taste
-soreness and burning sensation on the back of the tongue is also a symptom
-women with deficiency of this vitamin can lose their appetite because the food does not have the same taste which in most cases lead to lost weight.
- this is one of the main symptoms of most vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin B12
- it occurs due to low levels of oxygen in the cells.
The best natural food source of vitamin B12:
- Eggs
- Clams
- Turkey
- Beef.
source: Vitamin B12 Deficiency Makes You Weak and Tired and Foods to Increase Vitamin B12 Levels
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